Stores the data of your choral and instrumental printed music as well as the electronic media files associated with these songs (sound or PDF files). Many churches are now scanning their printed orchestrations so they can link to the PDF orchestration on the Library Card in TheDirector. All of the data in the Music Library is available while you are planning a worship service. The Music Library and Membership modules will import your data from CSV or XLS files. Print box labels for your library or hard copy lists of library songs.
- Locate a song by entering the first few letters of the title
- Open a Saved Search
- Check-boxes for Tagged, PDF, Mp3 or Cloud links
- Alphabetical list of titles
- Open Song Card to Cloud link tab
- Open Song Card to Local link tab
- Themes or Categories
- View Cloud Links for this song
- View Local Links for this song
- Open Theme Tags to add a theme to all tagged records
- Open Theme List to view all themes and the songs that have this theme
The New Dropbox Links
The Director links to files stored in Dropbox. You upload a file to your Dropbox, and do a direct link to the file.Music Library Search Form
To locate a song title, begin typing the title and the locator will bring the title in to view. You may also scroll or Page Down through the list. Once you have found your title, double-click it and the Library Card for that title will appear.
Add New Song
To add a new song, click the NEW button. The Library Info Card appears for you to fill in all the appropriate info.
Data Sheet View
The DATA button opens the datasheet form. Pressing Ctrl-“, copies the contents of the field above current field. This is useful in duplicating repetitive data such as publisher, Library #, Collection name, etc.
Other Microsoft shortcuts work here as well (Ctrl-C = copy; Ctrl-V = paste; Ctrl-X = cut; Ctrl-Z = undo)
Select songs or members from your lookup tables by any criteria (title, theme, publisher, composer, or any combination of fields).
- Click the Search button
- To begin a new search, select NEW
- Select the field
- Type a word or select from a list in “What are you looking for?”
- Expand or narrow the search with AND or OR
- Click the Start button
- Click the Save button to save your search by assigning a name to it.
To delete Saved Searches, go to Utilities on the Main Menu. When you select Delete Saved Searches, you will be able to view all searches. Select the search and use the Del key on your keyboard.
Notice that the search criterion appears on the bar at the bottom of the form.
To show all songs again, click the Refresh Songs button.
Search Tips
Less info in the search is better. For instance, if you are looking for Word Music, Inc., just select Publisher as the field, and type “word”. This will find: Word Music, Word, inc., or just Word. If you get too specific, you may not pull up all possibilities.
When searching for check box info (MP3, PDF, Orchestration, etc.) use -1 for Yes or 0 for No.
Theme Tips – Add themes to several songs at the same time
- Click the Tag checkbox by the songs to theme
- Click the Theme Tags button at the top
- Enter the Theme and Save
Theme List- View/Edit all themes
To remove a theme from All songs, click the theme and the trash can
Library Card Form
Song Details tab – vital information
You can define two additional fields, you can track virtually any piece of music or equipment or other resource in your care.
Themes tab – edit themes
If this is handbell music, for instance, you might want to assign the theme Handbell Music. You can select from the list of themes, or type in your own, which will become a part of the list.
Checkout tab – Music loaned out
Keep up with music or equipment loaned to another person or church. If the borrower is a non-member, you will want to create a group of persons you lend to in Members so you can be able to contact them at a later date. The Overdue Library items report in the Reports menu will help you maintain some control over the lending process.
Local PDF/Sound Links tab -link to files on your computer
Link to an orchestration or score PDF, as well as linking to a sound file. WorshiPlanner will play whatever sound file that your computer recognizes.
Dropbox PDF/Sound Links tab -Link to Dropbox Files
Link to any file you have in Dropbox. WorshiPlanner will open whatever sound file that your computer recognizes.
Lyrics tab – store lyrics for this song
Instrumentation tab – record instrumentation for this song
Library Pick Form
- Appears in the Rehearsal Worksheet when the middle of a line with Library database is Double-Clicked.
- To find a song title, start typing the title. Usually the song is located after just a few strokes. You may also locate s title by scrolling through the list with the Page Down or Page Up buttons or using the mouse on the scroll bar to the right.
- To clear the Find a song title use the Del key or Backspace key.
- To enter the song title on the Rehearsal Worksheet, double click the left mouse button.
- To Open the Song Card, right click the title
- If you have saved any searches, you can select a search and those titles will be available for selection in the Rehearsal Worksheet. This is very useful when planning theme-based services.
- To remove the results of a saved search, just click the Refresh button.
- To view songs by Library number, just click the Library Number button at the top of that column. Click Title to re-sort alphabetically by title.
- To view additional info about a song, use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the form.