- Select Event for roll
- Select Date button
- Rollover to Show Calendar
- Select Date from Calendar and Click
- Auto-Sync after Roll has been entered from EZ Check-In
- Edit Event Names and Groups associated with them
- To open Roll for a previously created event, double click the Date in this list
Edit Events

- Type Event name
- Select the Group name from the drop list on the right
Attendance Roll Marking Form
- Event Name
- Event Date
- Auto-Sync when Roll has been entered from EZ Check-In
- Sort by Present, Absent or the default which is Name
- For manual roll entry, select either Present or Absent
- Attendance Numbers
- Clear Connected Checks
- Columns for Reasons
- Field to enter Personal Note for any or all Members
- Group to Email or Text
- Reports – Roll Sheets, etc.
- Email or Text Selected Group
Personal Note

This features lets you personalize Emails even when sent to a group. Double click the box to the right of their name and type your message. When you send the Email, you will want to include the Merge Field at the point of your cursor.
- Double Click to open writing space
- Type Note
- Group selected to Email
- Click Email
- Merge Fields
- First Name Merge Field
- Personal Note Merge Field
- Toggle Cellphone View
- First name merge field
- Personal Note merge field