One Minister of Music gained 50 new choir members in just 4 weeks teaching a class on Sundays at noon using Music Made Easy!
The Music Made Easy Choir Member Videos App is a Music Reading Class in a Box! Just promote the class, set up a large screen TV or video projector screen, click the first of the 4 Videos on the computer, and you are ready to teach choir members and prospective choir members how to navigate a piece of choir music. Provide a sandwich, a drink and a music lesson!
Another great use of the Choir Member Videos App is when you come across a church member who loves to sing but does not read music and does not want to embarrass themselves when they do not know when to turn the page, just send them the link to view the videos on their own schedule.
When you subscribe to the Choir Member Videos App, you can send the link to the videos to all your choir members at no additional cost! Choir members can download the Choir Member Videos App to their phones or computers.
The 4 teaching videos are from 49:42 to 55:49 minutes in length.
Choir Member Videos Price Plan
Choir Member subscription price $29
Music Program yearly subscription for the whole choir $149
- Every choir member can download the App
Music Program yearly subscription plus Music Made Easy $248
- Every choir member can download the App
- Music Minister can download Music Made Easy

Still the BEST!
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WorshiPlanner—Church Music Office
Manage membership data, plan services, and communicate via group-text or email with WP, a comprehensive planning tool.
Mark Me Paid
Skip the spreadsheets and use Mark Me Paid forms, receipts, and statements. Then email them to your members directly from the program.
Music Teaching
Teach your group the basics of music-reading with Music Made Easy, and enhance your conducting techniques with Conducting Made Easy.
QR Check-In
EZ QR Check-in is built into WorshiPlanner. It is easy to use and comes with a FREE QR App available at the App Store and Google Play.
The Music Budget
Create budgets, track spending, produce detailed reports, manage accounts at a glance with The Music Budget. Track member payments with Mark Me Paid.
The Modulator Band and Orchestra
The Modulator Band and Orchestra – The same wonderful modulations from The Modulator, but for your whole orchestra!
Music Library
Manage and organize your music library–both print and digital. The Music Library is contained in both WorshiPlanner and The Director.
The Modulator
Interactive PDF with six modulations for every major key change you can either print or view directly on an iPad or tablet with The Modulator.
Grow Your Choir
Videos & PowerPoint presentations reveal how to grow your choir to the max. shows potential new members how easy and fun it is to be a part of your choir