
MB iHelp Build Budget

1. Click System Variables to edit info for Check Requests

Enter information for your Check Request form.  You can always return here to change the info.

2. Click Categories-Line Items

Edit the Categories with your numbering system.  Be sure to put your Account # both in the Account # field and as part of the Line Item field.  Entering data on the asterisk (*) line creates a new line.  To delete a line, click the square record selector to the left and use your Delete key.

3. Click Budget Designer

Select a Budget.  At this point it is easier to copy or edit an existing Budget or Copy a Budget and edit it.  If you copy the Budget, you will need to Rename it.  Click the Rename button and follow instruction.

4. Click the drop list for the first Category

Select a Line Item.  Add Sub-Category, Description, and Items.  If this is a single Item, leave the # Items at 1, Enter the Unit Price and leave the copies at 1.  If you are entering data for the purchase of anthems, etc. , the #Items will be the number of different anthems you are purchasing and Copies is how many individual member copies you are purchasing.  When you click the next line after entering a calculated line, Music Budget will calculate for you.

5. After you have edited all the Line Items

Remove any unnecessary lines by clicking the Delete Line Item button.

6. Go to Budget Reports from the Main Menu page

The top 2 reports use data from the Budget Designer.  Select your budget and view the reports.  You may want to tweak the Sub-Categories or Descriptions in the Budget Designer.  Print and submit Budget for approval.

7. After Budget Approval



Click Copy Approved Budget to Transaction Entry.