The Main Menu
Tracks attendance of all Members.
Check-In Scanning
Digital check-in using finger scan or cell phone.
FingertipID software for those using the Finger Scanning system.
Guest Nametags
Data entry form to print Nametags. Guests automatically entered into a group named Guests.
Edit/view membership information about each choir member. Add or edit groups of members as well.
Create and send text messages to individuals or groups.
Create and send email messages to individuals or groups. Store up to 2 email addresses per member.
Music Library
Stores the data of your choral and instrumental printed music as well as the electronic media files associated with these songs (sound or PDF files).
Reprise Market Place
Website which can be used to buy or sell used music. A list of music tagged in the Music Library can be uploaded directly to this website. Check it out!
View, print, create PDF’s or mail merge.
Report Colors
Service Worksheet
Main form for planning the weekly worship order. Open and Edit a previously created service, create a new service, duplicate multiple services, or preview/print/export services or flow charts and tech sheets.
Create and store worship medleys. Use the medleys contained in WorshiPlanner and build your own. The medleys contained in your program are from the Celebration Hymnal.
Create rehearsal orders for various musical groups. Use the same rehearsal order each week but update new songs for future services.
Configure WorshiPlanner. Enter your CCLI number, church name, and name the user-defined fields in the Music Library, Membership, and Songs Modules. To print the texts of songs in your bulletin, enter CCLI number.
Keep up with all forms of equipment. Use the same D2 barcode scanner for QR Check-In. Print, tag and inventory equipment with barcodes.
Enter your personal data in New User Data. Name and church name will appear on the Main Screen the next time you open the program. Create your User Name and Password to enter WorshiPlanner and send group emails or texts.
Web Page Editor
Content management system for editing wpUpload page.
View Calendar/Web
Go to wpUpload site.
Google Calendar Editor
Your Google calendar page.
Worship Songs
Contains all the information about worship songs that are available for use in your services. Go to Utilities to Select Song Books you want to be available for service planning.
Options and Support
Birthday Note On/Off – display current birthdays. Once clicked, the Include All in BDay List button appears. To not display any particular group in this list, go to Membership and unselect that group.
New This Version – see what is new
Support Request – submit request for help online
FAQ’s – online questions and answers
Fast Support – quickly let a technician remote in to your computer. Requires a phone conversation.
Disable Backup – WP backs up to the BackUpPath folder specified in Utilities/System. For network installs this should be an existing folder on the hard drive of this computer. For a single computer install, the path should be on the network or perhaps an auxiliary drive. The button creates a Backup Folder under the BackUpPath folder.
Compact and Repair – WP database files create temporary tables in the background which causes the file to grow. This feature removes those and shrinks the WorshipData.accdb file which holds all your data.
iHelp – click here to view online video help about this page.
Clear Current Users – WP displays users who are currently in the program. Click here to remove all names from this list and start over. Names are removed automatically when the user leaves by pressing the Red Close button.