Disappearing WP Shortcut
The Scene
You have just updated WP and the WP shortcut disappears. Why? When you run the UpdateWP file, the first thing it does is delete the old WP.accde. On some computers this causes the WP2025 shortcut to disappear. Your computer downloads the newest WP.accde file. If your internet connection is weak, the entire new WP.accde file may not be intact. What do you do?
- Run the UpdateWP button again and see if the shortcut appears. If it does not:
- Open the C:\WP folder and double click the WP.accde file to open the program.
- After WP opens, minimize the program and check for the WP shortcut.
- ‘If that fails, CALL 770 653 5094
DropBox Tips
How to use DropBox as an FTP Site
If you have ever tried to email a file that is too large, you have learned the frustration of sending a file by way of email. If you have an FTP site (File Transfer Protocol) all you have to do is upload the file to your site and send a link to the file. If you have tried Sharing a file from DropBox, your recipients have to have DropBox. Here is how to turn your DropBox account into an FTP site.
- Upload your file to DropBox
- Share the file and copy the link to your Clipboard
- Paste the link onto your Notepad*
- https://www.dropbox.com/s/6g9szzebs6xlzir/BuglersHoliday.mp3?dl=0
- Replace dropbox.com with dl.dropboxusercontent.com
- https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6g9szzebs6xlzir/BuglersHoliday.mp3?dl=0
- Copy the new link into your email
- Recipients do not have to have Dropbox to open
*I recommend putting Notepad on your Taskbar
- Click the Start Button
- Click All
- Type “N“
- Right Click on Notepad
- Click Add to Taskbar
Service Planning Tips
Troubleshoot Lines Not Moving
When trying to move lines in the Service Worksheet up or down, and they will not move, it is because the Line Sequence numbers are not correct. Click the Show Line#s button
The Offertory and Closing Song Line sequences are identical (15), keeping the lines from moving. | Highlight the lower line and type a larger number (16), not identical to another number. |
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Popup forms stay open after selecting a song
The Popup forms for Music Library and Worship Songs will stay in the way after selecting a song unless you click the Auto Close Popups button. Actually, after you select a song with the Yes button pushed, the popup is open hidden, so you can quickly use it when you double-click a line.
Search Tips
Less Is More
When trying to find a song in the master list of songs, sometimes typing too much will limit the search. The actual song title may have been entered with a misspelling or punctuation. An example could be:
- Oh, How He Loves You and Me
- Oh How He Loves You and Me
By Letter or By Word?
- By Word requires you start typing and then click the “Click for Word Search button.”
- I prefer By Letter, since you start typing and watch the songs move to the top of the list.
Search by Theme
Select the desires Theme from the drop list of Themes and click Start.
When trying to find a song in the master list of songs, sometimes typing too much will limit the search. The actual song title may have been entered with a misspelling or punctuation. An example could be:
The Saved Search feature allows you to select songs based on your criteria while planning a service or rehearsal.