1. Fill out the form below and click Download Installation File. Your options should include Run, Find, or Save. If the choice is Find or Save, choose Save. Then save the file. If you try to open the EZCheckIn.exe file and it asks you which program to use to open it, or says that it is not a valid win32 application, re-download and select RUN.
2. After saving the file, double-click on EZCheckIn.exe. This is self-extracting zip file that will create a folder located at C:EZCheckIn\CD. Open the C:EZCheckIn\CD\setup.exe file. In Windows 7 or 8, it is necessary to right click the setup.exe, and Run as Administrator. Select Change to installing to a different folder, and scroll to the desired drive and folder on your network (e.g. Z:Apps\EZCheckIn).
3. SECOND COMPUTER INSTALLATION – After installation, copy the EZCheckIn folder to EZCheckIn on the other computer, and repeat this process on that computer. If installed to the network, be sure to browse to the Destination folder to the same network folder where you installed the program. EZCheckIn is licensed for 1 computer and licenses for additional computers can be purchased.
EZ Check-In requires an unlock code. After opening the program, click the button on the Registration Form to submit your registration # to Bugle Boy Music via Email if you are using Outlook for email. You will receive your code shortly to allow you to use EZCheckIn
Login Instructions for the NEXT time you open EZCheckIn
The 2nd time you open EZCheckIn, you will be prompter for a User Name and Password. Use admin as your UserId, and the word password as your password. Go to Setup EmailLogin at the top of the Utilities page. Add yourself as a User.