
MB iHelp – Budget Designer

The Budgeting Process

  1. Create Budget in Budget Designer
  2. Print Budget in Budget Reports
  3. Seek approval from Finance committee
  4. Copy approved Budget to Transaction Entry Form
  5. Start entering transactions in the Transaction Entry Form

  1. Select Budget or Rename Selected Budget
  2. Add New Line Item
  3. After Editing Line Item Click here to Update
  4. After Budget has been approved Copy it to the Transactions Entry Form
  5. Create a New Blank Budget
  6. Copy Current Budget to a new Budget Year
  7. View Budget Design Data
  8. Enter Line Item Unit amount plus # of Copies and # of Items (i.e. 35 new octavos X 40 copies each. Leave as 1 unless a calculation is required)
  9. Select Account Line Item (Category)
  10. Select Sub-Category
  11. Select or Type Description
  12. Name of Items
  13. Total is a Calculated amount
  14. When finished entering Transaction data click the Update Expense button.